Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Coming Activities: Last Quarter of 2013

We are now on the slope rushing to the end of the year.  I remember as a kid running up the side of a hill and then the exhilarating feeling of rushing down the other side trying to stay upright while my legs pumped at a maximum rate.  I am feeling that way now as we move rapidly towards 2014.

Major Transition in Process

It became clear over the past couple of years that we had to either increase our staffing or find an alternative to handle our financial processes.  After reviewing all the options we decided to partner with Vision Quest Alliance.  Its primary purpose is to help ministries like ICM become more efficient while ensuring compliance with the ever increasing regulations at the state and federal levels.  Starting October 1 all donations will be sent to ICM, PO Box 129 Monument, CO 80132.  VQA will process the donations but our ICM will monitor them online. If you have questions and/or concerns please do not hesitate contacting us at: 661-832-9740.


Here is our schedule (see the calendar on our web site for more information).

October 4th and 5th   Sheryl and I returned from teaching in Ethiopia in time to prepare for the past weekends teaching on "Experiencing Spiritual Formation."  We had a good turnout of people wanting to discover how to move forward and deepen their walk with God.

October 9th - Stephen Mairori will be at the office along with Crispin Juma

October 10-12 - Sheryl is speaking at Mt. Hermon Conference

October 14th - ICM Board Meeting in Bakersfield

October 17th-22nd - Missions Conference in Seattle (Bowes and Phil)

October 28th - November 17th - Phil to East Africa
         Phil and Darryl speaking at an Alumni event in Kitale, Kenya

October 9- 16  Burundi team from Bakersfield

November 23rd - Perspectives in West Los Angeles (Phil)

Thank you for your prayers and partnership!

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