Friday, May 24, 2013

People are Puzzling

Are you a mind reader?  Actually we are all mind readers.  Rebecca Saxe is a researcher focusing on our ability to understand other people, their motives and feelings.  She did a talk for (click here to view).  What we often take for granted is a complex process of learning.  Understanding people is a little like trying to put a puzzle together without the picture on the box.  We make assumptions often based on ourselves and how we see the world.  But all of us see the world a little bit differently, or sometimes a lot differently.  This is because we have different glasses on called personality.  These glasses cause us to see and understand the world around us from different viewpoints.  This potentially can be a challenge when we misunderstand each others motives.  But it can be a big advantage in helping us, together, understand the world around us.

I would like to invite you to come and participate in the People Puzzle training.  Learn how together we are better and develop some important skills and knowledge that can help you at home or at work understand how to move from people conflict to team building.

Where: Across the hall from the ICM Office, 4201 Ardmore Ave., Suite 2, Bakersfield CA

When:  Friday May 31, 2013, 6:00pm-9:00pm and Saturday June 1, 2013, 8:00am-1:00pm (light lunch provided)

Instructor:  Dr. Phil Walker

Cost: $35 (includes workbook and lunch)

Preregister by calling the office:  661-832-9740

Saturday, May 18, 2013

May 2013

May 2013 has been a full month.  Sheryl Giesbrecht, Executive Director, represented ICM USA at the graduations in East Africa.  She also led a team to take part in a number of activities in Kenya and Uganda.  I (Phil) went to Nigeria to teach and participated in the dedication of our new training center in Akure, Nigeria.  On Sunday I will teach a Perspectives class in Turlock, CA and on Tuesday teach another Perspectives class in Livermore, CA.

If you are in Bakersfield or surrounding area do not miss the "People Puzzle" on Friday evening May 31 and Saturday morning June 1.  I promise a great time of fun learning and challenge to some preconceived ideas about working together.  We will be using Walk Thru the Bible's course along with some other materials I have put together to give you first hand experience with team building.  If you are able to attend register now as space is limited.  Call the office (9am-1pm Mon-Thurs) to register.

May was busy, but June is going to be a bit crazy in regard to travel.  Please keep the following in your prayers:

June 2-4 - ICM office team travels to Denver
June 9-13 - Phil and Emmanuel Chemengich travel to Hong Kong for a theological educators conferenc
June 15-22 - Phil will be teaching at two sites in Egypt
June Sheryl will be going to Florida

Thanks for being part of the ICM Team!


Saturday, May 4, 2013


As I write this our ICM Executive Director Sheryl Giesbrecht is in Kenya leading a team from the US and attending the Kenya Graduation.  We in ICM are blessed to have her leading the US operations of ICM.  We are not the only ones who recognize her worth and contribution to ICM and the Kingdom of God.  On May 21st she will be honored in Bakersfield at a High Tea.  If you are available why not join us as we celebrate her achievements and faithfulness!